الاثنين، 24 أكتوبر 2022



Khalid  Darwish



                  NAME   :   Khalid Mohammad Darwish    

Sauk Algoma  -Tripole /libya      ADDRESS:

0925032366 TELEPHONE:

 dadak555@gmail.com           EMAIL ADDRESS:












the Faculty of Languages, Department of Arabic                      



License Degree in ArabicLanguage                                                      



Arabic – English- France                                                                      









Microsoft Word, Excel, internet etc                                                           .  



                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Current Position :                                                                                         
-Head of the Section activities at the Higher Institute of theatrical and musical    professions (conservatory) Organizer of several cultural and literary events


General Coordinator of space poetry and fiction in Great             -Jamahiriya President of the weekly literary supplement most in                                                   Libya Poet since 1989 and it participates in the distribution of literature by publishing Jamahiriya innovations Libyan youth in anthologies and periodicals Arab and international                                                                                        
Under the direction of the sun to complete the Culture 2010                             

                                                                                                                                                  prices :-                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
The cost of the city of                                                                               Tripoli,
Contest Nasser Arab students                                                                         
Price Libya Almntmp                                                                  National Youth
Participations                                                                                                     -
Festival of                                                                      Cairo, the prose poem
Young Writers Festival in Cairo                                                                       
Kairouan Spring Festival of Arts                                                                    
Symposium of cultural creativity in Tunis                                                          
Poetry Festival Annaba, Algeria                                                                      
                                                                                                        residencies in Algeria
Libyan Cultural Week in                                                                           Malta
Alexandria                                                                                        Book Fair
Poetry Festival in                                                              France in the world
Publications :                                                                                                 
Arab and international journals, such ARAB London, Zaman, poetic movement (Mexico), Dhifaf, Freedom, literary position Alwaha (Spain), RAFD, Almanar, Soul AL Libyan, Al-Arbaa Fousoul Al Raya Khadra , Thakafi, Nabdh Shabab, Al Meshal                                                                                            
Books :                                                                                                                
Zakzakaton Fawkes Ras Al Hussein (- (songs over the head of Hussein), Dar Al Awael                                                                                         , Syria 2004
Min Ayna Yati Hadh Allayl Kolla (which reflects the dark), Dar Al Arabiya  -Al Hadhari - Cairo 2004                                                                                      
A glimmer of shaving (bases halk) Tripoli 2004                                                -

I praise the fruit (ende led attsbehe fakehtn                                  ) Beirut 2006-
I am haunted Althanan my cup Cairo 2006                                                      -
I am connected to the Libyan anthem Cairo 2006                                            -
Selections from the love and freedom Beirut 2009                                              
Selections from the love and freedom 2 2010 Beirut                                       -
I love Cairo 2010                                                                                            -

His poems were translated into French and English like :                                          


short poems)  :-                                                                      

 I'm jealous of the field-
 May God protect
 For when you meet him allas
 secretly the other night
 it kindled
 and became ready for you.

 When I pronounced the first letter
 And that letter was kindled
 a summer scent embalmed the walls of the room
 and saw
 such as the Sufi
 shining blade of the knife.
 But when the second letter dashed
 my throat
 the knife of fear vanishes.

 Embrace the rain
 How I shall embrace your eyes while you are there
 injury that pours drip
 behind the executioner
 And how to light the night I
 all alone
 while your sky
 falls a rain of mud


 In the street a cat plays music.
 And me in the room, I will not stop bleeding.
 Every night I watch for him behind the store,
 dancing happy with his mate.
 I suffer
 all the locals suffer
 his caterwauling.

 The river is aging.
 She squandered her youth
 on the face of a woman.
 Words chose
 Prison your eyelashes
 then flew
 to land like birds
 on the wire of your hands.

 The ocean took me home.
 But when we arrived and he turned back,
 concern in your eyes
 had a salty taste.
 And I sensed that the ocean was my opponent.


 We climb the clouds of this
 to reach the depths of our innocence
 Two children dancing with the shadow of the sun
 and consume their union behind a wall
 Without need of notary
 No need to know
 the secrets of marriage


الأخوين .. 2007 - 2021


الحمد لله على نعمه .. اللهم اطرح فيهما البركة 

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