Born 8/10/1972 Tripoli graduated at the Faculty of Languages Section Arabic, filling Chief activity at the Graduate Institute of Occupations theatrical and musical professor of Arabic language and the rule of Arabic literature in the same founder of the Institute of many forums cultural and literary events □ General Coordinator of space poetry and story in Libya 2002 □ Editor-in-Chief C. Youth, □ Musharraf file cultural magazine Lighthouse □ managing editor of the newspaper ((2005 □ file Musharraf and cultural Libyan newspaper. □ coordinator editorial supplement Libyan cultural He writes poetry since 89, contributes to the dissemination of literature by publishing Libyan inventions of young and educated Libyans in anthologies and periodicals and files Arab and international regulations to obtain advanced classical poem: □ ranking first at the level of the Libyan (classical poem) □ Tripoli Award for Youth Clubs (classical poem) □ Nasser contest for students Arabs. Participated in: □ evening networking Libyan Tunisian / □ evening literary youth Benghazi □ evening Vivaldi Hotel Republic of Malta 2004 □ evening status Libyan Arab Republic of Malta 2004 □ evening literary youth Benghazi, □ evening Piet hair Tunisian Balhvsih / □ Omar el Festival City tuber / □ symposium novel Arab city of Gabes □ Festival corner of the top students / □ Festival slip for poetry and story (one of the founders), respectively / □ Ztun cultural festival respectively □ cultural event for the first Arab newspaper of London / □ cultural event for the first youth clubs / □ cultural event for the second youth clubs / □ contest Nasser UN / □ Spring Arts Festival Kairouan 2004/2005 / 2006 □ Sidi Bouzid Festival of Literature Maghreb 2004/2005 / 2006 □ Festival Almtheloi Arab poetry 2006 □ Cairo International Book Fair 2004 / □ poetic creativity Forum Cairo 2004 / □ literary youth forum in Cairo / □ Festival () 2004 / □ percentage French poet Victor good with the French poet Helen Alexandris □ Diwan Ramadan evening French Cultural Center / 2002/2003/2004 P □ (Aragon poet of love) with theatrical actress Marie Christine □ Evening Exhibition Libyan local writers □ Evening Exhibition Libyan International Book □ festive cultural Sirte 2006 □ Evening House Hassan Faqih Art 2002/2003/2004 □ evening Sudanese Cultural Centre 2006 □ evening Tunisian Cultural Center 2005 □ ceremonial Magazine Conference / session () 2006 □ Commonwealth writers and writers Libyans (New Voices in the Libyan creativity □ Evening School of Arts and Lawyer Jamahiriya □ evening Libyan Youth Society (Forum Andalusia ( □ evening Spica Social Club 1999 □ evening cultural Faculty of Pharmacy Week □ evening Center for the Study of World Book vegetables □ evening match Arts Forum □ Evening University Elfatih □ ceremonial Gilani Atribashan (Alrajaban) 2005/2006 □ Evening National Central Library 2004 □ evening newspaper Libyan cooperation with the National Library of Ramadan 2005 □ □ □ Many literary critics of the study, criticism and was in his workshop in Beit hair in a Tunisian Nkadihkhas management Shazli Alkaroashi Tunisian poet, as well as a panel discussion within the park under the supervision of the poet Tahar Haddad Tunisian Youssef Moussa also wrote his studies and articles have been the most important: 1 / texts laden clouds read in [Rook birds singing over the top of Hussein] poet Khaled Darwish By Abdulbaset Mohammed Abu Bakr / Magazine Conference 2 / poet Lotfi Abdul Latif / magazine crawl green number 50 page 43 of March 2006 3 / poetic modernism .. Poetry Libyan specifically 3 / critic and Anecdotist Iraqi Zeid martyr Arab newspaper 31 / 10/2005 4 4438 5 3382 6 / surreal grief .. Aboodwarh friend / Libyan newspaper 7 / birds singing Crow text elite uncontested Halima sincere 8 / birds singing Darwish .. glimmer of hours stranger / Salah paste supplement masses second issue 9 / Khalid Darwish abandoned on the su leyenda / Ramiz Alnobar 10 8 2005 May 11, Libyan poet Khaled Darwish insights about love poem / Riyadh newspaper Khalif Arabs □ believed in freedom and creativity of the elements of poetry rapprochement between peoples, and the creation of knowledge through other cultural exchanges translated poem (I Libyan related anthem), as translated into English autograph his book (gleam hours) to the French. Literary publication of newspapers in many Arab and international and local websites task conducted several dialogues with radio And the press Has been honouring the Libyan ambassador for poetry festival hair Maghreb Tunisia 2006 Issued to him: □ Rook birds singing over the top of Hussein) 2004 Syria Dar top □ glimmer hours) 2004 Publications Magazine Conference / Libya □ I Libyan related anthem) 2006 □ I have praise fruit) 2006 □ am haunted Althanan Jakob) 2006 Khalid Darwish PO Box 5324 / field Algeria / Tripoli / Libya 0925032366 /. Kdarwes@yahoo.com
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